Tuesday, January 29, 2019


I had to face the realization that for some reason seriously unbeknownst to me, I HAD AN ADDICTION TO STRUGGLE.  Just got this realization recently.  NO MORE, I'M DONE.

What or who on earth maligned my mindset to this point?  You know how I figured it out? I just took a long, hard look at my circumstances, people around me and the disproportionate levels of progression and measurable successes relative to the work and desires in my life and the lives of others.

Everything has been a struggle.  I mean EVERYTHING! My mantra became biblical in that I fully embrace the scripture, "The valiant take it by force."  I remember taking an acting role in minus degree weather while I had the flu.  The job required me to dress in non-seasonal clothing and barely able to stand, I kept telling myself, "Just push girl.  You're strong and powerful, etc., etc.  That was ludicrous!  I could have ended up in the hospital.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress......NOT ABSOLUTELY TRUE.  Struggle is a part of it, like an aircraft's ascent.  It takes a lot of THRUST before we reach CRUISING ALTITUDE but we do reach it eventually.

"Suffering violence" doesn't embrace the struggle.  On the contrary, "Valiant" people are forceful people, purposed driven people.  Each power move takes it by force upward and beyond, not downward or stagnant.  Valiant people make power moves and POWER MOVES are STRATEGIC.

BIBLICAL BEAUTIES, you are allowed to flow and ease into your purpose with measureable success and abundant living.  So, ALLOW YOURSELF to peacefully make your next move.

What are you desiring?  If you've spent half to three quarters of your life struggling to achieve your desires, it is time to stand back and revamp your strategy.  Let the physical struggle go and focus on your INNER STRENGTH.  (I will discuss this further in future posts.)

I'm lessening this struggle, once and for all.  That's what I am going to do, starting now.  `But, first, I shall relax.  BYE, BYE STRUGGLE!

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