Friday, August 7, 2009


This blog has been created to celebrate divine beauty, external and internal, encompassing the mind, body and spirit. Readers will find cutting edge commentary related to living a biblically principled life of power, righteousness, beauty, style and excellence.

Biblical Beauties take their cues from the many beautiful women of the Bible, i.e., Esther, Makeda, Candace, Ruth, Deborah, etc. The primary focus of a Biblical Beauty is to believe and achieve all that God has promised His daughters on a revolutionary level.

Biblical Beauties are "BLESSED," by definition, "empowered to succeed, provoking the world to jealousy." Hey, that's the Hebrew definition, I didn't make it up. We personify the covenant tenets of Deut. 28.

I am so excited because we're going to change lives by changing the definition of beauty by presenting topics of interest which foster, develop and maintain otherworldly, supernatural, divine, anointed, quantum-enhanced BIBLICAL BEAUTY.

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